Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rainy Sunday (moment)

Nothing like rain to cause me to focus inward for a photographic opportunity. By inward, I mean, inside.  
Let me help you set the context for this photo...
1. Outside the sky is grey, rainy, very winter'ish. (Dreary, but nonetheless glad there is rain because God knows we need it.)
2. It's not pictured here but the fireplace is "on". (How sad, that in California we can no longer have wood burning fireplaces in newer homes. So thus we say, "How 'bout turning on the fire?" Instead of, "How 'bout building a fire?" I feel sorry for what our kids our missing out on.)

3. The sounds of Scooby Doo are floating out of the tv. (No, sorry, not the original sound track or voices, but "modern day" Scooby Doo--soooo not the quality that we grew up with. Again, sorry for what our kids our missing out on.)

4. Everyone is still in his/her church clothes (Well, only Michaela...she's the one who insists on "dressing up" for church. Ha! No pun intended.) 

5. Bellies are full of lunch.  (Tuna sandwiches actually made by Zach.)

6. Dad is conveniently taking advantage of the hour long Scooby episode. (Watching it from behind his eyelids while reclining on the couch.)

7. Michaela is conveniently taking advantage of Daddy's prostrate position and thoroughly engaged in the previously mentioned S.D. episode. (Something about green aliens...very scary.)

8. Michaela also, and most importantly, has her well-loved, well-worn, blanky with her and is "loving on" her most favorite parts. (The parts where the satin binding has come apart from the blanket. The parts that I have promised to sew for quite some time.) 

There I hope that helps. Hope your Sunday has found some rest...

p.s. You might be amused to know that now that I've completed this blog entry, the quiet, calm, serene, cozy, scene is NO LONGER. Scooby Doo is done. The kids have plugged back in. And are now running through the house screaming and pulling each other's hair (literally). And Scott has left the building...

1 comment:

Sue Brazelton said...

This is a very sweet photograph