Monday, April 20, 2009


With the first real heat of the spring I basically melt. My winter skin is not accustomed to it and I feel as if I need to go through an internal temperature adjustment. By July I'm usually good, but today it is only April 20th and I'm rather melt-ish. Soggy brained. Lethargic. 
So of course I have no desire to be outside, not yet ready for shorts weather to descend upon me. Thus I feel like it's a rainy day and I'm forced to have to turn inside to find a picture. Not really my fave.
So I took this ancient abacus off my coffee table and set it in some window light. Snapped off pictures of it and found myself lost in the little donut-like beads forever bound to their sticks. I bought this at a garage sale for 50 cents. Everyone touches it when they see it. I have no idea how to use it. Perhaps I'll google it after I finish this post. Anything to stay out of the first days of heat...

1 comment:

*Bri* said...

McKenzie could show you how to use it - she´s an abacus whiz.