Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Window love

Every since witnessing, with delight, her Dad's Valentines window love messages, Michaela has been using the window-writing-method for her own little love notes. (Don't you love how they observe and imitate?) At any given time of the day, month, there is at least one lingering message posted to a window. She has even collected her own set of dry-erase pens. I think she brought them home from school? Got them from the teacher's treasure box? I have no idea but they are hers.  
Today I was the recipient of one her window notes. She's writing about how "her mommy challenged herself to take pictures and that she is good at it." Oh, thanks my Bean. :) Wish you could have seen her sounding out "chalishd".  (challenged)
Such love from your children is more than sweet. It's just a balm for a tired spirit.


Mockabee Seven said...

I love this! Her look of concentration is priceless! What a sweet girl!

Tiffany T said...

What a clever idea! I know my 6-year old would LOVE this idea. My 4-year old had to wash my wooden floor of her crayon scribbles yesterday, so perhaps a more appropriate outlet such as this would work wonders. I'll let you know what happens when we try this!