Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Morning Oak

Took some time after my walk to visit this oak tree. 
As you may well know, I dig trees.
I was thinking this morning how nature knows that any chance of survival depends on its ability to pursue the light, this being its singular goal. Funny how I, with an intelligent, complex brain, often fail to take nature's cue.  Without Light to sharply expose my path, I am left to view life in a blurry, out of focus, distorted, random, meaningless, abstract, purposeless, way. Why am I so dense when it comes to recognizing this key ingredient for survival?


Mockabee Seven said...

Great post, Trace... that top picture is beautiful with the light streaming through. Trees are surely captivating, aren't they? We have so much to learn from them (without getting all "hugger" on you, he he).

Lorraine Akemann said...

Beautiful shot of the light coming through on the oak leaves. Sometimes it's so peaceful just to scroll through your blog, and look at all the photos.