Monday, June 1, 2009

"_ _ OP!"

A "Stop" sign near my house. I have been driving over it for over a week and it never seems to cease being funny to me. My thoughts as I come to an "OP":

1. Is this how our city is dealing with the budget crisis? 
2. Hmm...I wonder in what other areas our city officials are adopting this "half-is-good-enough" policy?
3. That is one long lunch break for a city worker...
4. Does this mean I can employ a rolling "California stop"?  "But Officer..."
5. What's up with the completed stop sign across the street? No has an "ST".

Go ahead and contribute your own funny thoughts.  :)
I've been thinking about it though. It's a silly half painted stop sign that was just forgotten, low on the laundry list of things the city needs to complete. With fewer resources and money you gotta put your city workers where it counts the most right? Kidding. But it makes me wonder...what if we all (gov't and citizens alike) adopted and accepted this "half done" mentality? What kind of freedom...or chaos would ensue?

Just my little thoughts as I come to an "_ _ OP".

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Santa Monica Bred said...

Definitely grounds for a California stop! (although those are a hefty ticket + traffic I hear). ;)

Zerlindatar said...

We just returned home from a road trip to Washington state and observed that many of the California rest stops were closed while those in Oregon were always open and had free coffee and homemade goodies (staffed by volunteers from service organizations and churches). It certainly fits in with half-there st_ _ signs.