Wednesday, September 30, 2009


one mom + late night movie* + early morning wake up + a gazillion interruptions while doing blog + I gotta get dinner on the table = an "I don't give a rip today" attitude so therefore I'm not going to go back to correct that word "cordinate".
(Even though it's killin' me.)


*Late night movie = The Aviator. It's a  movie based on the life of eccentric and OCD-plagued Howard Hughes. If you've ever seen it you'll remember: 
Bear with me while I obsess on C-O-O-R-D-I-N-A-T-E  for a few days...


Santa Monica Bred said...

hahaha i love how you cordinated the words w/the pics. ;) Neat pics above!!
I loved that movie The Aviator!! Definitely worth staying up for & a typo.

Lorraine Akemann said...

Love that clear blue sky! I also love the "I don't give a rip today" attitude phrase. I'm going to use that next time I need it - by tomorrow I'm sure!