Sunday, September 27, 2009

Late afternoon photo time

I am always very humbled to be asked to take pictures of other's children. I love to do it and love the practice--love being caught up in capturing the light on their heads, the joy in their faces, or the catchlight in their eyes. Speaking of eyes...get a load of those eyelashes! (Ummm, you give them extra broccoli? Milk? Uh-mazing.) 

Such a beautiful family...

Big Sis (with her bubble skills and beautiful eyes).

Lil' Sis...who brought her cowgirl hat. (Sooooo lovin' that!)

And Lil' Bro, who stopped and smiled every time I pointed my lens in his direction. 

I am off to edit the rest of the pictures. Might take me a little bit longer than usual as I stop and admire those smiles and eyelashes.  :)

1 comment:

Rose said...

Oh, what a wonderful photo shoot! And a beautiful family. You got some wonderful pictures.

I totally understand having to fly through the pictures on my post today; I think your experience would have sent me over the edge! EEK! Quite frankly, I can't look at those images for very long and I took them! That guy gives me the heeby-jeebies that close up - LOl!