Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My look-out

I was going to post another picture today but while cleaning up some files from the summer I found this one and realized I had just blown right over it in my first pass. I am sure I do that a lot when looking over pictures. Or, I am sure I do that with other things in life too that don't immediately capture my attention. (We miss so much.)
What made me pause a second time around is when I caught myself smiling at my son perched upon that dune. He is such a hard worker. In everything. There he is hauling my beach chair and boogie board. He offered to do it. Actually just took everything without me even having to ask. Just like the other day when he opened the back of the car and started carrying grocery bags in for me, 'till they were all brought in...without asking.
My helper. My strong kid, who loves me by serving me. 
I have said it before, but I do love him so.

1 comment:

Rose said...

I can only hope my son follows in those footsteps!