Saturday, September 12, 2009

Street Light

A random thought crossed my mind as I was attempting to situate the street light "just so" in my frame:
Huh. What a contrast between worlds--the heavenly clouds against the blue expanse of sky and the man made street light invented to illuminate our world. Man and Nature. And which is more magnificent or powerful? After remembering 911 yesterday, and re-watching old video of the Twin Towers crumbling, I painfully felt the weight of the power of man to change the course of history just by the choices he makes--to get into a plane and hijack it and steer it into a building all with the intent to take lives and make a statement. We are smart enough and powerful enough to make a change when we put our mind to it. Our choices, great or small, are powerfully important. They leave an eternal mark.
And then I remembered Hurricane Katrina and I remembered the powerful, indestructible force of nature that rendered man completely helpless for days, weeks, and still even years later. We fled in the face of her strength and knew our own strength could not match hers. I remembered the Tsunami several years ago that swept away thousands. We could not flee from it either--just left to painfully gather the pieces that remained.

Yes, we are like that seemingly tall street light: very small indeed against the force of something so grand and magnificent. Despite the power that I do possess, I am a fool to think otherwise.


1 comment:

noellemonique said...

It is humbling to think how helpless we are without the guidance of God...Very cool shot by the way!!