Thursday, October 15, 2009


I am of the camp that L.O.V.E.'s leftovers. I often make a double portion of dinner so that I can have extras for lunch, or better yet, save in my freezer for one of those crazy days when I just do not have time to slave away in the kitchen. (Bring on the microwave!)
So, today I offer you my leftovers. I just got home. My feet are tired. I did not get the chance to even pick up my camera, let alone "slave away" in the editing room cooking up some fun recipes. Even if you are of the camp that does not like leftovers (how can you not like leftovers I ask?!?!?), I hope you will at least like these...


Santa Monica Bred said...

Leftovers are the best. It's like a treat waiting for you. leftover spicy tuna roll w/diet coke=best breakfast! or cold piece of pizza w/a D.C in the morning. yumm. Your shots are similarly tasty.

ELK said...

i am in the camp with you! your images are so very striking