Sunday, October 18, 2009

Stirring things up

If you decided to just get out town with your family today and head on over to this beach, upon arriving you would discover that you and a million seagulls all had the same idea. Seriously. There were thousands--all enjoying the low tide, gorging on crab, and making some serious noise. It was actually kind of amazing to see.  Even the serious bird watchers were there with their super-sized zoom lenses that completely dwarfed mine.

Anyway, if you were there, you too would not have been able to resist stirring things up...

And this was just the "mini" flock. Multiply this by 10 and you can imagine what was behind me. We all thought it was quite a miracle that none of us got pooped on. Ha!

p.s. I'll share more pictures later. I've got that sleepy feeling you get after being at the beach all afternoon. A warm bed and movie sound sooooo good right now!


ELK said...

the beach is a magical place ...especially when you are behind the lens!

Anonymous said...

You know, when I saw those pictures the first thing I thought was...he must have gotten pooped on. I'm so impressed he didn't.