Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A study in contrast

It has been raining non stop. A deluge. Like a fire hose on full force and we are all trying to gulp it down. The gutters can't handle it. The traffic can't handle it. The tow truck drivers, I'm sure, can't handle it. (Hey, give the tow truck drivers a little love. My hubby used to be one.) And, our poor school principal surely can't handle it--as she had all the kids in the cafeteria during lunch time today and it was class picture day, which was in the...cafeteria. (Yes I had to redirect a few kids who wandered into some of the pictures--not joking.) I am not complaining, really. Even though the rain caught me unprepared when I realized my daughter did not own a single jacket. This I discovered as she is running out the door into the rain in her little flimsy sweatshirt, with her broken Dora umbrella, trying to keep the rain drops off of her fancy picture day outfit. (I will not be winning the mother of the year award.)  It's just we spoiled Californians, the gutters and drains included, have to acclimate. Adjust. 

Especially when just days ago we were all soaking up the sun, still wearing our flip flops. Should have taken our cue from the sunflowers and soaked up as much as we could. 

Like I said, just give me a few more days to adjust. 

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