Sunday, November 22, 2009

And the story behind this would be....?

A. Someone offered my husband a foosball table, and after consulting with me over the garage logistics and deciding we would take it, informed our son and our disinterested daughter, and spent the next four hours cleaning the garage preparing for its arrival...after which we all stood around and spent quality family fun time playing rounds of foosball.


B. Someone offered my husband a foosball table, and after emailing me his desire to take it (and me responding with a hesitant "yes"), went and borrowed my dad's truck and picked it up and brought it home and stuffed it in our garage...after which he then proceeded to whip my son's a** in game after game, all while my disinterested daughter stood by like a teenager and pouted that she was "bored".

(How humiliated am I at revealing the state of our garage? Please let me just explain that it is not always like this, but at the time of shooting, it was painfully so, and causing me great anxiety, I might add.)

1 comment:

Christie Brown said...

I LOVE foosball. What a fun family night activity. I'll have to hunt for one at a garage sale when the kids are older. I have such good memories as a child at my uncle's house! And btw...great shot of the table (top left). I love color.