(I could totally make some cracks about having my own "Bubble Boy" but I will refrain.) Instead, I will share what my son did after school today. He won a froggy bubble blower at school for selling some cookie dough and instead of giving it to his little sister he came home, ripped open the package, inserted two AA batteries (so the frog can "ribbit")) and went outside and completely lost himself in a cloud of bubbles. (Have I mentioned he's 10?) I swooped up my camera, eager for practice. Geez, bubbles are hard to capture, but I had fun.

There goes my house floating away in a monster bubble...

Bubbles against the window. I can hear my dad now with the corny joke:
"Look, it's the back side of a bubble!"

I do not know what these bubbles reflected that made them blue, but I thought they were cool.
And super cool that I caught that bubble within a bubble.

After awhile, Zach figured out how to make froggy blow ginormous bubbles.

"Holy Huge Bubble Batman!"

"Dude! Stand back! Catch it! Catch it!"

Yes, it was quite the bubble afternoon. As I write, the battery connection in Froggy has gone hay-wire. He is now on the kitchen counter croaking like a broken record. The batteries are wearing down and he...is...sloooowly....crooooaaaking.
He's had enough for one day.
1 comment:
I LOOOVE the second photo! Your practice served you well!
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