Monday, December 7, 2009

it's so stinkin' cold, I don't even want to take a picture

It's dipping near freezing temps here in the Silicon Valley and I am having to climb into the back of my closet to find my warmest coat. (Do I even have one?)
I once was in Chicago in the winter time and walked into a Baby Gap and was surprised to see all this adorable, fun winter stuff for kids. Where was this in my California Baby Gap?! My friend, whom I was visiting, laughed at me. Of course, we don't need the below freezing baby bundles in California...
So here we are in our sunny Bay Area, tickled to see a dusting of snow on our low lying hills. I made hot cocoa and popcorn for Bean and her friend and it was all I could do to muster up the desire to pull out my camera and take an indoor shot. Simply put, I really just don't like indoor shots. I have yet to take one I really like. Really. (I hate bumping up my ISO and I really do not like the color of the light.) Whatever.

Speaking of my is in a winter of its own. I have been suspecting it has been failing me, just a 6th sense I had. I realized that even though it is only three years old, I have easily taken somewhere between 80,000-100,000 shots on it. Uh, that's a lot. Its shutter life is winding down, unless I give it a tune up.
So I bought a new camera. And I am anxiously awaiting its arrival. I cannot tell you just how hard it has been for me to wait...

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