Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Everything needs a little somethin' to grow

This is what I thought as I sat on the threshold of my back door, dodging rain drops, attempting to capture this jack-and-the-bean-stalk-weed drinking the raindrops. I think he was growing inches by the seconds. Weeds can do that. After one day of rain all the little weed seeds burst forth and shoot up so fast you have barely had time to blink. (Darn those weeds.)

I also thought about how frustrated I was trying to capture those raindrops with crystal sharp precision. (When your aperture is wide open in low low light your range of focus is just limited and your lens is not at its sharpest, and I wasn't about to set up a tripod...details.) I thought upon that fact that the last few times I have used my camera I have experienced this frustration of not being able to get close enough because my lens is just not built for that super macro shot.

And then when I realized I have thought this to myself on more than one occasion the seed of desire for a spiffy new macro lens was planted in the soil of my heart.

It is just a tiny seed now because of course I need to find some money to water it and make it grow. And it's a safe bet that my seed will not be growing inches by the second.

Actually, it will be like a fruit seed that takes years to produce a tree that will yield fruit.

I need to pick a less expensive hobby.

1 comment:

ELK said...

you have a beautiful way of seeing life...