Monday, March 1, 2010

Sweet Sisters

I have always wondered what it would be like to have a share bedrooms, clothes, secrets.
My only experience with a sibling is growing up with my younger brother. Need I say more? (And that's probably all I need to say about that since it is his birthday today and I should probably refrain from pesty, pokey comments. Love ya bro. Happy bday!)

But these two are sister buddies. They share a big bedroom, own an adorable miniature hamster named "Hammy", play with their American girl dolls, tell secrets.  I love that they will always have each other.

Their dad is a master builder and he created this amazing little playhouse for them, complete with cute little IKEA decorations, electricity and a lamp post. Every time we visit my daughter makes it her mission to get out there and enjoy it. (Bean: "Mom, can dad build one of these for us?" Me: "Um, you might want to stick with just going to Chuck E. Cheese with him, he's much better at that kind of stuff.")

Here are the kids on the porch just being a bit goofy.
Not pictured: my daughter, who is happily inside.

 Hope your week is off to a great start!

1 comment:

Dawn Leiro said...

Again, Tracey. .. Your pictures are more than amazing. .. These are so, so cute! Your talent blows me away! dawn