Monday, May 24, 2010

a familiar path

Sometimes you set out on your journey and the path is clear, wide open, with room for exploration.

But after awhile the way turns rocky.
So you go from step to step, prayer to prayer, one rock at a time.

After awhile you grow weary, confused, and wind up following someone else
who claims to have a better map. (It just seems easier.)

Yet as time passes, you realize that you have lost sight of yourself and your path.
Though their map may be a good one you discover it is not right for you.
So you pause and climb to higher ground. You find you need to stop and evaluate...

...orient yourself to your surroundings, reclaim your own map.

The stillness beckons you to sit down, get reacquainted with yourself
and rediscover the compass of your own heart.

All so that you can get back on your own two feet, find your path, and step into a newer, more mature, version of yourself. You begin anew.

Words for my own heart today as I am forever in this cycle of learning.
Welcome to Monday.......a chance to get back on my feet, find my path, and begin anew.

1 comment:

melissa@Novel Photographie said...

I love this! and I feel the same way....