Monday, June 7, 2010

you think you're soooooooo funny...

Ever have a hmmmmm...what to do? moment...

You think think think because you know there's a bright idea in there somewhere...

You ponder the possibilities...

You work it out in our head, try a few things, do some more pondering...

You say, maybe like this, or what about that...

 While you are experimenting, you are suddenly aware that you have stumbled upon your glorious gift of funniness because every eye is upon you and every mouth is open in laughter. 
You've hit the funny bingo and now there's no turning back.

You milk it for all it's worth because your funny genius has proven to capture the attention of everyone around you...except for the dog (who is patiently staring at the back door to be let in)....but who cares...dumb dog...she doesn't know what she's missing.

And then you're done. Done. 
The funny gene has run its course, the energy has died, 
people have moved on, and now it's time for you to move on as well. 

You'll catch the next wave when it comes because you've got some serious funny genius bubbling inside of you and, gosh darn it, people need to know about it. 

It's Monday. Bring it on. 
Go find what is waiting to be discovered. 
You might just surprise yourself.


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