Wednesday, July 28, 2010

the corner of Church and Murphy

They spent their childhood years on plot of land their parents bought and built on. 
There were some good memories at the corner of Church and Murphy. 
We met on a Saturday morning, all of them in one place at one time, eager to have their pictures taken.
Because rounding up all SIX siblings who live all over the map, is ONE BIG FEAT.

The highlight of our time was when one of the brother-in-laws showed off  his very cool motorcycle. 


Ok, I got a little geeked out about all the cool reflections. I've never said this line before in my life but, It was a beautiful motorcycle. Almost made me want to own a black leather vest and riding boots.

I have always envied those with large families. I assume holidays and events are packed with lots of cousins, lots of noise, voices, and food. When I was younger I wanted lots of kids of my own, in theory that is. (Then I had two and that was enough.) I also assume that there are unique relational dynamics and bonds that make those gatherings also one-of-a-kind. From someone on the outside looking in I find it pretty special that this family could, after many many years, make it a point to come together and be with each other to capture the moment on camera.

Here they are standing right outside the fence of their old home.
(Which is now a retirement home--we were afraid to disturb them.)

Side note: I wondered what it was like for little "big" brother to be in a sea of sisters?
Can you imagine?? I'm a girl, but geez, to be a brother surrounded by FIVE sisters. My heart goes out to him. Ha! Can anyone relate?


stacey said...

So as I was looking through I was thinking, oh how I love the ones with the reflections in the motorcycle!, and then you wrote it yourself. "Geeked out"... I love that phrase and use it all the time! Great photos!

Hope you are having a wonderful vacation!!

Katherine Schultz said...

Gorgeous!! I love how natural these shots are...they are wonderful.

You use beautiful angles too.

Have a happy Thursday.

K xx