Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A willing target

Ain't nothin' like putting yourself out there in front of a huge target.

Ain't nothin' like discovering that sometimes you get what you ask for,

and it's not exactly what you thought it would be like.

To some degree, everybody wants to be known.
It is our very nature to gravitate to the center of our universe
and spin on the axis of our inflated self. 

Because we believe that to be seen is to be loved.

Oh to be knocked off that spinning axis of our ego,
to live in the truth that we are already loved,
and to know that any attention we do receive is like a bright shiny fake jewel:
plastic and cheap compared to the real thing.
There ain't nothin' like knowing real Love.

1 comment:

stacey said...

Sometimes I just like to read your blog so I'm reminded of things like this. And then I reread it over and over to let it sink in.