Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday's spontaneous self-timer story in six shots (sweet!)

Special notes...

First three shots: setting up the shot, checking my settings. Who needs a tripod when two folded sweatshirts will do the trick. A little crooked, but who cares. We're being spontaneous! (And trying to make this as quick and painless as possible for the kids who are protesting having to sit for a photo.)

Last three shots: the handiwork of Little J pressing the shutter button for me, then running to our places.

The thing about a spontaneous self timer picture is that you never can see what others are doing in the picture until you upload the picture to your computer and examine the results. I just now looked at my husband and said, "Were you eating Bean's ponytail in the last picture or were you channeling your wanna be 80's rock star and using it as a microphone?"

You can't see it, but I promise you, our kids are covered in a yummy layer of dirt and grime. (Yeah for camping! I think I slept in that shirt two nights in a row.)

When you're in the mood for a doggy licky kissy moment, just go for it. Give into the no attention to the camera timer and lick the nearest person next to you.

Just days ago a friend of mine gave me a wireless remote shutter release button for my camera (thanks D!) and right around seconds 6,7,8  I was wishing I had brought it with me. Ten seconds is a long time to hold a smile.

Don't ask me what I am doing in that last picture. When you only have a few seconds to run to your place and put on your best crazy face, and you haven't slept well in the last two nights because your mattress was going down hill and your sleeping bag wasn't warm enough, your creative mind is a little muddy and your reflexes slow. Cut me some slack.

Hope you had a great week. I'll be back on Monday with a fun VERB series. Yes, I said VERB. (Di you know that I was once a high school English teacher? Hence the alliteration fun in the post title!) You are now intrigued, no?


stacey said...

These are great. Too cute.

Katherine Schultz said...

So, so cute! I love the last one - so fun and natural and oh so cute.

K xx