Thursday, September 9, 2010

scenes from a block party: try, try, and try again

He was one of the million kids running around barefoot, in his swimsuit, face stained with watermelon. As all sorts of wheeled vehicles, bikes, scooters, motorized tractors, paraded up and down the street the kids reveled in their freedom to play in the street. One of the best features of a block party, for sure, is to be no longer confined to the boundary of the sidewalks.

As I watched the kids run wild I caught this little man testing out the big banana-sized skateboard. His feet struggled to find sure footing and a comfortable balance but he was enjoying the test ride. It was something new. (I am sure it had something to do with the fact that it had wheels.)

Here's what I loved...
I loved his attraction to the newness.
I loved his determination to master the newly needed skill.
I loved witnessing the joy of his success.

As I watched him, I prayed for a heart that would be equally as eager to tackle the 
newness of opportunities that were on my own personal street. 

Because it is only by trying something new that you discover if you want to continue trying.
Isn't this what self discovery is all about?

Thanks little man on the banana board for showing me how it's done.

Try and fail, but don't fail to try.
Stephen Kaggwa

1 comment:

carol said...

so lovely. he's such an adorable little guy! :)

(thanks so much for your comment the other day... the place you asked about is the view from the Eiffel Tower. Paris!!)