Tuesday, January 4, 2011

after the storm

Before the turn of the new year, the rain let up and the skies cleared for one beautiful day. We went down to the beach with friends to explore and I was amazed how the sandy beach was flattened, wind- swept into an even horizon. The winter tide was so far out, enough for hoards of gulls to feast off the ocean floor, that we were left to run and roam the expanse of shoreline.

I suppose a winter storm is good at flattening everything into an even horizon so that all that's left for the eye to see is the empty landscape. Sometimes that is for the best, you know? Where else can newness find space and root? 

I took my camera with me this day and fired off a few shots. It felt good to be on the stretch of the flattened winter sand, soaking up the warmth of the sun, walking with soulful friends, and leaving our new footprints behind.


Kemma said...

OH man, all my trips to the beach this winter have been at high tide. Looks like a mid-day drive is in order...

Kelsey said...

I was just thinking about you today! Glad to see the beauty of your world again. Welcome back.

Kelsey said...
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Tami said...

Beautiful, as always.

Maria said...

Absolutely stunning photography...as always!

libbie said...

what a wonderful day it must have been.

stacey said...

I had to giggle a bit at this winter storm that involved going to a beach afterwards. Oh how I would love that in these long January and February months in Minnesota.

Love these photos and your words. Praying for you, friend.

Rose said...

I'm telling you, our piece of the So Cal beach doesn't flatten out this beautifully. Wonderful shots!

I've been down with viral pneumonia since right after Christmas, so I haven't gotten out much at all - bummer!