Sunday, January 30, 2011

the serious side of mr. brown

When I moved away from our mutual home town in 2005 I was left with an image of a young boy, a pastor's kid, following his dad around the church campus, tolerating the pestering of his two younger sisters. 

His mom and I had scheduled these pictures long ago in late summer/early fall and because of life stuff, we just had not been able to connect. So when we finally met up on Saturday, I stepped out of my car and was met with this football-carrying, ukulele-playing, slipper-wearing, high school senior.
Where did time go? Who was this man?

I'm about to gush here (and I feel free to do so because, geez, I am old enough to be his mom) because I feel like you all are thinking it too so I might as well say it...

I think I found the next Calvin Klein model. 

Seriously. Don't mean to embarrass you Mr. Brown but that black pea-coat was a great wardrobe choice if I do say so myself.

I thought I would save the ukulele/slipper pictures for another post because I couldn't stand to take away from this little black and white collection of what I am dubbing, "The Serious Side of Mr. Brown".

And, Mr. Brown,  I know you are thinking about majoring in International Relations but you might want to consider taking a side job and contacting Mr. Klein.

Just throwing that out there. 
If any of you want to chime in and agree with me, feel free to do so.

(Special note for Senior Mr. Brown: While editing these pictures I felt like I should be listening to some vintage U2. Second picture up from the bottom....Larry Mullen Jr. in the early days. Yes?)


Mia Moreing Russell said...

beautiful photographs Tracey!

Stephanie said...

Love these Tracey!

stacey said...

Okay, have you seen the Twilight movies? I think the second photo looks like Edward Cullen (Robert Patterson) with shorter hair. Totally model material.

Great photos.

And yes, I just admitted that I've seen the Twilight movies.

Unknown said...

Wow, Tracy, agree with you fully. Put these in a ZED card and he is good to go!!!

Tami said...

Yep. He's rockin' the pea-coat.

PutuEka said...

awesome black n white photos...

Steve said...

Great shots, Tracey! The black pea coat is a classic, and will always look cool. The jeans and shoes and haircut will still be respectable 20 years from now. But he'll look at that shot of his mobile phone some day and laugh.

"How OLD SCHOOL!" he'll say...

Rose said...

Seriously, you take time off and your images intensify in beauty and perfection 200 percent. How do you do it girl?! :)

Calvin Klein yes.