Thursday, July 7, 2011

linked: hope

Saturday evening I sat out in the setting sun and picked at a sea of never ending weeds. My hands were caked with dirt and the stain of green, so much so that I was surprised at how sore and tender they were the day after. In the middle of my dirty work, the neighbor's sprinklers spurted to life. Because I live in a wind tunnel, I watched the water catch wind and mist everything in my yard. Normally I do not mind this (free water) but this time it happened to water exactly where I needed to be weeding. 
So I sat and waited.
When the sprinklers finished their cycle, I looked up to witness every flower, blade, and leaf dusted with a million, glittering, circles of light. Their delicate glimmering caused me to smile. I imagined this is what pixie dust must look like...

Pulling weeds has always been a teacher for me in the area of my own personal "weed pulling". For example, pulling weeds has taught me that if I fail to pull a personal weed up by its roots, it will always grow back in the soil of my heart. (Such a hard truth, especially in the areas of hurt, anger, and bitterness.)

So here is what impressed me on this day:

As I look back at the moment, I now see that that this is what Hope looks like when I find myself in the dirty work of pulling my life's weeds. There I am, entrenched in the soil, bent over, hot from the sun,  caked with mud, wondering (and whining) if there will ever come a day when I do not have to pull weeds. (Please, don't you just wish you could pull a weed once and then never have to come back again?) In the middle of my labor and toil, suddenly Hope arrives in the form of a million points of Light. Awash with beauty, completely unexpected. It comes in the form of an answered prayer, a encouragement from a friend, a song on the radio, a miraculous provision. All simple reminders from God that I am loved, watched over, and never abandoned to the eternal dirty work of pulling weeds. This is Hope that sustains me.

I believe there is no place of dirt and darkness that Hope cannot invade. No weed-like burden that Hope cannot relieve. Yes, there is an amount of toil that we experience in this life, the pulling of weeds, or the dirtying of our hands in the messes that seem to show up like weeds. But Hope is the eternal flame that God places in our hearts to whisper to us that, though we may have earthly pain and struggles, unanswered questions, our lives are not without purpose and meaning.

We are loved.
We are loved.
We are loved.

Praying that whatever back-breaking, weed-pulling situation you find yourself in, you will, today, experience Hope in the middle of it. That you will look up and see a million points of Light dusting your situation with the promise that you are loved, watched over, and never abandoned to the eternal dirty work of pulling weeds. Praying that this will sustain you as only real Hope can.


Today is a link up day with two of my blogging friends, Michelle and Stacey. Michelle chose the theme for this week, which was "Hope". I have to say, this was hard. I took these pictures above without the intention of capturing "hope". It wasn't until I uploaded that they spoke to my work of "pulling weeds". I "hope" it makes sense to y'all. :)

I am eager to see how the gals interpreted this theme this week!
For Michelle's July 7th post, click here.
For Stacey's July 7th post, click here.


Unknown said...

You have reminded me of the hope I always keep in myself. Thank you for that.


Anonymous said...

The pictures are so pretty but your words move my soul. Seriously this blog post was as good as any church service. Thank you for the encouragement. You are amazing! :)

elizabeth said...

a perfect post today - you are so talented with words as well as picture. I wish I had your gift of words. THanks

Andrea said...

Thank you for the words of encouragement. :)

stacey said...

This was so perfect. Goose bumps. And what I needed to hear today. I want to pass it along to all of my friends because it's so poignant.

Your words and photos always speak to me. Thank you, friend. And I hope you have a wonderful trip!!

Heather M. said...

This totally made me well up with tears. Thank you for your amazing words and for speaking truth on your blog. I so needed to hear this.

And those photos are absolutely GORGEOUS. Perfect. Beautiful. Stunning.

Skeller said...

Tracey, you did it again. You perfectly paired words full of poignant truth with amazingly complementary (and, I might add, gorgeous!) images. A perfect reminder. Weeding: it's not easy in the yard, it's not easy in my life. But God is good. :-)