What I'm drawn to the most, and I what I remember as a child, is the peaceful calm that I feel when I'm there. Being outside in the sunshine, the distant tinkling of a wind chime, the sound of trickling water fountains...all the hues of green and the many flowers, the rows of young trees and the stepping stones on graveled pathways. I visit the nursery often just to BE there.
Because of my love for nurseries, I often take my daughter to the one down the street from us. She makes a dash to the stone statues of tiny animals--the bunnies, the turtles, the frogs. Then she makes her way over to each of the many water fountains and dips her fingers, in every one. She grabs a little wagon and pulls it around, loading it with her own flowers. (And flowers she'd like to buy for me and for Grammy, her teacher, etc.)
Today when I came home from a new nursery that I had visited I took her to my lap and told her about it. How I had met the nursery kitty, "Miss Kitty", a fat, grey, sweet and mellow kitty who liked to have her ears "scritched". How we needed to go there and visit her! And that there was a large bird cage of sweet doves, grey and white, that lived in the middle of the nursery. One of the grey doves was nesting on an egg and a couple of the others flew over to meet me and "chatted" with me as I attempted to take their pictures through the fencing. I told Michaela that we would go there soon. By the smile on her face I knew that she was imagining what it will be like to go there, pull her wagon around and meet "Miss Kitty", see the birds, visit each fountain.
I smile knowing that I am giving to her what my mom so unknowingly gave to me...cherished memories and a continuing place to go and find a simple quite peace and calm...and be.
Happy Birthday Mom. I love you...
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