Friday, February 6, 2009


Michaela was home "sick" today. A carry over of what ailed her yesterday and brought her home early from school. There has been no fever, no runny nose, no throwing up. Just complaints of her tummy being a little funky. The decision to keep her home had more to do with the fact that the stomach bug does happen to be spreading with plague-like speed through school so I thought it might be best just to keep her home. And sometimes you just need a day in your pj's right? Or a day in your pj's, curled up on the couch with your blanky, watching countless episodes of Hannah Montana that your mom finally has allowed you to watch. And yet Scott was ready to pack her up and cart her off because her "perfect attendance" record was on the line. Priorities.

I asked her if she wanted to take a nap in her fairy fort. The nap wasn't the option, just the place. The other being our bed with her dad who was (and still is as I write) out cold, taking his nap. Priorities. 

From the pictures you can see where she chose to take her snooze--after some whining that she was NOT tired.  Moms seriously know best.  Come on...the tired eyes/whiny/wiggly/blanky-cuddling? All telltale signs of a girl on the verge of some serious napping.  I tucked her in and closed the door and she was out, like a light, as we say. Priorities.

The house is still. The rain has ceased for a moment. I love these moments. And yet, I just downed an Airborne--my head and throat kinda funky. And here I am at the computer when perhaps I should listen to the suggestive sound of sleep I hear floating down the stairs? Ok, I'm off. Priorities.

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