Saturday, March 7, 2009

I Spy...

the Queen of Spades
girl in hat
Harry Potter
tuba loving pig
dinosaur (plus one orange golf ball)
The King

Not pictured: wigs, dog sweaters, tie-dyes, Rastafarian wear, antique buttons, accordions, orchids, beads--lots of beads, astroid rocks from the moon and Mars (Zach--super bummed to have already spent his money), golf clubs, chandeliers, books, dollar store junk, dancing Elmo, hand-carved wooden Big Bird lamp (huge), old movie projectors, etc, etc...

I was thinking it would be fun to do a photo scavenger hunt with my photo loving friends. You know, meet up early*, head out to the flea market with our scavenger hunt lists in hand, and let ourselves loose down the rows of interesting vendors. I was sooooo overwhelmed at the many colors, patterns, and people. I told myself I must come back...sans kids*.

*by early, I mean at opening time, 8am. We got there a bit later and the sun was already bright (hard to take pictures).
*sans kids, because I was distracted by my two kids who were eager to spend their alloted $5. Michaela could not hold out and spent it at the end of aisle 1: a battery operated yapping puppy. Zach--he spotted something in aisle 1 but patiently scouted the rest of the scene, passing vintage legos, Steelers garb, oooh...and really cool rocks, gems, and arrow heads. He settled on what his eye first settled on: a dwarfed potted palm tree plant. I know, he's the coolest kid!


Jackie said...

Tracey, I'd love to come with you next month- early and with camera in hand!

Santa Monica Bred said...

haha...that's funny what your kids picked. Cool idea to hit a swap meet for a photo scavenger hunt. Just saw the Weeds photos...those are super nice.