Monday, April 6, 2009

Capturing Wisteria

A beautiful Wisteria vine flourishes in my friend's backyard.  He's worried that with the coming rain this week that the flowering blooms will drop before their time, cutting short its blooming season and leaving the vines flower-less for Easter. So I was happy to capture some of the beautiful, and possibly brief, glory should that come true...


Natalie Bell said...

Hello tracy,

This is natalie, Patty bells daughter!
I was just sitting her looking at all your beautiful and amazing pictures!!! and I wanted to ask you once you have a free day if you would like to take some pictures of jordan at a park or something!!! I would love it becuase the last ones turned out great. You can email me at or give me a call at 408 603 4627.. Thankyou and cant wait to see more pics!!

Lorraine Akemann said...

Hi Tracey! This is the first year that I have Wisteria blooming in my own yard. It's a huge milestone. I had been trying to grow it at our old house, and nothing ever bloomed. It's so beautiful, I finally feel like my home is taking 'root'. It's great seeing the photos of something I love so much!