Monday, May 4, 2009

Every once in a while...

...I will follow my daughter, taking random pictures. Sometimes she is aware and sometimes she is not. (Here she is toe'ing this little sprout.) 

And then I often follow, listening to her talk. Because if you know her, she is a Chatty Cathy. (They better have better cell phone plans in a few years because she'll be using her minutes for sure.)

In the middle of her chatter I can often capture an expression that makes me laugh. This is her, "Please don't take a picture of me" expression.  Ok, but I love those random freckles. (She'll probably hate them in her teens, but from a mother's eyes, they're true marks of her beauty.) 


Lorraine Akemann said...

Where were you walking? The way you've captured it, looks like you are on a fresh trail in a bright green forest. Wonderful!

A said...

Great feet shots! I found you through Shutter Sisters... adding you to my reader so I can explore your photos more!

penandview said...

Thank you Alicia. :)