Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Poor Feet

These feet have walked at least 5000 miles in the last 5 days. Ok, maybe not 5000 but humor me. I am home briefly then off running again. Alas, these are the crazy days of Spring: end of school year stuff, events, performances, responsibilities, blah blah.
I have a 40th birthday coming up and my feet have certainly felt the passage of time. While shoe shopping, I have begun to pass over the youthful, cutsie shoes, opting to try on the more comfortable, and in my opinion, less attractive options. (My mother calls them LOL shoes: Little Old Lady shoes.) Soooooo depressing for someone that has loved shoes all her life. 
Oh well, I tell myself, at least I can say I've grown in wisdom and character. So I'm apologizing up front for the future fashion faux pas' I will commit. If you see me in a beautiful dress wearing sneakers you'll know why and you won't judge me. Or at least just whisper behind my back and spare me the humiliation. 


Anonymous said...

Oh no Sweet Girl....comfy shoes are fine, great even. But if I see you wearing them with a beautiful dress we're having a talk!

Santa Monica Bred said...

sounds like your feet need a hot bath & then to be kicked up onto an ottoman.

Zerlindatar said...

Be glad you are tall and elegant. You can wear flats and still look great. Comfortable shoes are SO much healthier for your feet. I opted for comfort (as opposed to my sister) years ago which is why I have not had to have foot surgery (like my sister). LOL shoes - I hadn't heard that before - I LOLed!