Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Why Thy Neighbor???

Behold a mystery flower/weed growing in the shared space between my house and the house next door. So sweet and delicate.  Ah, but what you do not see is that it is attached to a celery type stalk, which is part of an overgrown, flowering, weed the size of a ginormous tumbleweed...that is seriously overtaking all other life forms in its path
At least I think it is a weed. Indeed, it could be an overgrown celery plant. But do they get that big? And why, I ask, would our neighbors plant a celery thing next to their driveway?!
You see, our neighbors are sweet people, but they have "planted" some odd things. And in a shared space, it can be a bit, you know, frustrating, when their idea of a "cool attractive plant" is not your idea of a "cool attractive plant".  
Scott was mowing the lawn last week while I pulled weeds and we both stopped and puzzled to ourselves: "Dang. What IS that thing? Do we pull it up? Is it edible? Is the HOA gonna freak about this and send us a letter?"  (They send out spies every week to make sure we are keep up appearances. We've already recieved two letters informing us that our lawn was not edged to "HOA standards".)
See, now you wish I had stepped back and captured the whole plant so you could puzzle over this with me. But I'm going to leave you with just this one picture. I want you to enjoy the simplicistic beauty of this tiny flowering something captured against a peaceful green background of bokeh.  That way you can be spared the angst of trying to love thy neighbor with me, despite the mysterious things they plant.

(I will not even mention the lone green cactus they planted, growing like a single skyscraper, between our gates.)
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh dear...hmmm...well....

I comissertate with you though...in California we had a shared front lawn with our neighbor and at Christmas his lawn always looked like a BBQ shack. We won't even talk about the time we drove up from church and found a graveyard with appendages strewn about at Halloween. I'll leave YOU to ponder on what we did. :)