Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fearfully and wonderfully made...

There's a verse in the Bible that says that we "are fearfully and wonderfully made." I am often drawn to it many times because, to me,  it screams of beauty: that so much energy and love was focused on creating me into life.
I was editing pictures of this little guy today and once again was reminded of how true those words are. His flaming hair and golden eyelashes. His heart that still beats after surgery. His ears that struggle to hear with aids. His eyes that smile and tear when he lights up with laughter. His legs that just recently strengthened up underneath him so that he can now walk. His beautiful babble of words that carry on conversations in eagerness with anyone who will listen. His pure, innocent, uninhibited love for life...
We come in all different shapes, sizes, colors. We are born into different cultures, traditions, faiths.
Yet we hold one thing that marks us the same: we were fearfully and wonderfully made...uniquely created, woven together, in our mother's wombs. 
When I think of how precious my life is, I wonder how differently it would look if I lived in the light of this truth everyday? I wonder if even my relationships would be different if I worked on treating those around me with this same perspective? If we all would get along much better if we all lived up to the value that was placed on us when we were created into being?
Amazing how one little picture of my carrot-topped friend could get me thinking about life and love... 


Lorraine Akemann said...

Thanks for the reminders about the values we should be thinking about as we march through our daily lives. Agreed that his locks could certainly spark this sort of insight!

Christie Brown said...

I LOVE the red hair and red eyelashes. Great lighting.