Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Moss Beach

I totally dig collages (as you might have already noticed). I love that I can capture all the moments in one space and create a story of sorts. 
So above is our afternoon at Moss Beach. Our time was spent chasing birds, and playing on our special little grass covered dune. (My hubby has got the dune jumping skills.) We also found three purple starfish washed up from the shore. Hello! I have spent my entire life at the beach and I have never found a starfish before. It was a magical moment for Michaela.
The weather was beautiful, the beach empty except for a few stray bird watchers, oh and a guy who stripped down and went for a swim. (Thank God for our excellent kid-distracting skills.)
Zach declared it his favorite beach ever and Michaela wrote her traditional sand note to the mermaids so she could receive their return letter the next morning. 

Couldn't have asked for a better afternoon with the fam.


Lisa Page Rosenberg said...


Starfish... mermaid letter... random naked dude... What more could you want?

ELK said...

i come here for my beach do not disappoint..such sweet time together with a huge playground! was the starfish that color? wow!

Melissa said...

How wonderful to live so close to the beach! Maybe someday I'll be so lucky!:)