Monday, December 28, 2009

try, try, and try again

It is said that success is measured by how well you pick yourself up after you fall. I have discovered that even though the falling is difficult, it's the picking yourself up part that requires the most bravery.

Because it means facing the limits of your abilities. It means building up some emotional fortitude. It means testing the fragile belief in yourself.

Can I really do this? What if I misjudged myself?

You will never know unless you dust yourself off, get back up on your bike and try, try, try again.

(And you will never know the joy of success unless you do.)


Lorraine Akemann said...

Great sequence Tracey - messages to keep in mind as we approach 2010.

Sue Brazelton said...

This is a wonderful series of photographs.

MaryLou said...

Well said... I can use this as inspiration for getting going and keeping moving in the right direction this NEW year in my life.