Saturday, December 26, 2009

Peaceful holiday moment

On Christmas Eve we took a little trip to our favorite beach. The coast is a beautiful place to visit in December. The rains of winter have yet to arrive, the sun is crisp, the sky a winter blue. This day was absolutely beautiful. I had to keep reminding myself that it was the day before Christmas!

I have a gazillion pictures like this of Zach in the sand. It is his favorite place to be...

I loved this holiday smile...

Racing down the beach. Bean is so happy to be in front.

If you look closely, someone did get her two front teeth for Christmas!

Practicing his jump for the camera...

Here's the real one, with Dad--who has some mad vertical skills.

Waiting for the jump session to be over with...

A shoreline treasure...

Daddy is pretty funny...

The waves were surf-sized and so there were many wetsuit-clad people out riding the waves. (The hubby was giving me grief over snapping pictures of the hot surfer dudes.) This guy was done for the day. I imagined his satisfaction of a good morning out on the waves.
(Made me wish I surfed.)

I had to work some stealth moves to capture this guy. I was pretending to (ahem) take pictures of the birds out beyond. (Again, hubby gave me grief.)
I just loved how he was scanning the coast for his buddies, or the best spot to drop in.

Bean insisted on walking the rail on the way back to the car.

And of course needed a lift to get down.

It was a peaceful way to spend our Eve.
Praying that your holidays were/are blessed as well.
Peace, Love, Joy to you all.


*Bri* said...

What a great day and of course amazing pictures. Merry Christmas!

Lisa Page Rosenberg said...

These are absolutely beautiful.
Merry, merry to you and your sweet family.

Sue Brazelton said...

What a wonderful photo journal of a special day.

Sue Brazelton said...

...also, the photo of the surfer walking leaving a trail of footprints in the sand is professional quality. Bet you could sell it.