Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Be Happy!

Hello blogger friends. Need a happy face? Let me share with you a little snippet of a conversation I overheard this afternoon while passing by two little girls...

Gracie: Michaela, let's pretend that we're little kids in school and we're in art class and we have to do an art project.

Michaela: No. Let's pretend that we're teenagers so we don't have to go to school.

Gracie: Ok, yeah. And pretend I work at Petco!

What?! The idea of being a teenager working at Petco doesn't bring a smile to your face?


Juliette said...

I had to smile - and wide, b/c on our way back to Germany one of the inflight movies was "Men's Hearts" (in German) and one of the main characters works in Fressnapf, the German version of Petco, where my husband loves to go (like a kid). You see the pet store at the end of the trailer, here: sorry it's only in German, but you get the idea I think! =)

Sue Brazelton said...

This is such a great photograph. It is so much more than a portrait. It captures the essence of girls.

Mockabee Seven said...

Had to laugh at that convo. Petco, really? :-)