Saturday, January 16, 2010

A little back yard fun

I have no idea how they wound up out in our pathetic back yard, but they did. Kids have this crazy way of taking rotten lemons (seriously, there were rotting lemons out there) and grass, empty milk jugs (left out there for airsoft gun targets) and turning it all into some fun game. They "picked" their food. Found some play pots and pans and decided to play "kitchen". Now I am wondering how I can translate that excitement for washing dishes into real life.

Bean discovered she could make some bubbles with my very nice and expensive (but totally worth it) dish soap. (Totally choked when I saw her outside with it but swallowed it down when I saw the fun she was having.)

Here's G attempting to make her own bubbles...

Oh, and here's the outtakes from her "thank you for smiling" moment. (See yesterday's post)

And then I couldn't leave you without showing you my son, in all his creative engineering glory. He saw my new floor steamer box and asked if he could use it to make a mask. Of course.
Please note the eye holes. After this shot he added a hole above the eyes that held a flash light to illuminate his path. AND he rigged his iPod and earphones up inside too. This. Kid. Is. Awesome.

When I look at these pictures it makes me want to be a kid again. When was the last time you played like this?!?!

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