Friday, January 15, 2010

thank you for smiling!

After almost a year of doing this bloggy thing my kids have been completely desensitized to my camera. 

Whenever I whip my camera out I get this distinct, yeah, whatever mom, look.  Or, they simply ignore me. Every once in a while Bean will actually say, let's go take a blog picture mom!  But that happens oh so rarely. Oooohhhh so rarely.

Today, as I watched the kids poke around in the back yard, I comfortably settled into being a fly-on-the-wall. It is actually my favorite way to be a photographer--I love melting into a scene. I caught some fun moments that I'll share later, but every time I pointed my camera in G's direction she stopped and flashed a smile for me. Obviously she is not yet desensitized to the constant presence of a camera.  God bless her. Will you look at that smile people?!

This is one my most favorite pictures I have snapped in a long time. I just love the twinkle in her eye and the light on her face. 

Thanks for smiling G!


ELK said...

a lovely will cherish this

Lisa Page Rosenberg said...

Gorgeous lady.