Friday, January 8, 2010

my sliver of heaven on earth

In down town Los Gatos there is a little sliver of a place called Natural Creations. It is a little alleyway dedicated to pottery, fountains, plants, and garden art. When I walk through the ancient wooden gates into the cool air of the roofed alley I am met with the sound of water trickling and the crunch of gravel under my feet. It is a peaceful place abundant with thriving green life, moss covered wood, and growing vines. (It's almost difficult to tell what is for sale and what is a part of the existing structure.) I met the owner today, Sharon, who graciously let me wander for an hour. I stepped out back, through old wooden sliding doors, into the "outdoor" alley. I could have stayed forever. (I know owning a store is tough in these economic times but I am deeply envious of Sharon's job.)

Wire baskets nesting along the back alley fence...

The filtered light nurtures the many ferns and shade plants outside.

I loved finding these little twin pots, sitting on the ground, tucked into a little nook.

In the very back, weathered pottery is stacked, waiting to hold life.

A little water plants greets you along the gravel path.

Even in her work shed there are little family members decorating the window sill.

Rod iron scrolled baskets line the paths and hold ivy, or a winter Begonia.

On my way out I had to snap a picture of this ivy that greets the visitors.
Just beyond you can see the city life that greets you as you exit.
(Such a juxtaposition.)

It is not often that I get to visit this place. But today was the second time in a month. It is such a balm for a tired body and soul. Surely there will be a place like this in heaven?
For now, it is my sliver of heaven on earth.


If you are ever in Los Gatos, stop by Sharon's store:

108A N. Santa Cruz Avenue, Los Gatos, California
She is open Tue-Sat from 10am-6pm
and Sunday from 12pm-4pm

Maybe you will see me there. :)


Anonymous said...

Oh to learn my camera the way you have learned yours and your eye! Beautiful pictures once again. I must say while you are envious of Sharon's job I am envious of the green you saw. We are on our third day of snow and while it's beautiful the trees/plants are bare and at this moment the green feeds my soul just a bit more.

Debbie said...

No surprise here, but that's one of my favorite spots in Los Gatos too. I could stay there for hours! As always, love the photos. :-)

Debbie said...

The fern (with bokeh) is my fave. Or maybe it's the iron curves...