Tuesday, January 19, 2010

When life hands you a mud puddle...

...you turn it into a Monet.

At least this was my philosophy today.

The Bay Area is, at this moment, being slammed with rain, thunder, and lightening. All usually very exciting, but not really for a cooped up photographer who thrives on outdoor natural light when using her camera. There was a brief break in the clouds so I stepped out onto my back doorstep to catch some rays and point my camera at something. The mud puddle at my feet was my only option people--I was not about to venture out further in my slippers. So I aimed my camera somewhere over the puddle and clicked a few off and then stepped back inside as the rain drops returned. What to do with a picture of an exciting mud puddle?

Tweak it into my own Monet.

Perhaps one day it will sell at an auction house for millions?

1 comment:

ELK said...

and I will say..."I knew you when...."

love the shot!