Thursday, February 25, 2010

A moment after riding lessons

Fresh off of riding Ruby and Indy these girls left their saddles and ran off to run through the grass maze that Zach had made for them. (More pix from that later.) 
They stopped briefly to climb the fence at the edge of the property.


The sun was so bright and hazy it spawned a rare headache for me. It took a drive home and a few Advil to curb it. (For me to pop Advil for a headache is saying something.)

I love this next picture. I think it reminds me of a JCrew shot. 
Something about Sophie looking over at me and Bean looking down, contemplating.

And one in color...because these girls are just so beautiful.

Then it was off to run through the grass...and for me to stop aiming my lens into the sun.
Dang that headache was a whopper. I can still feel the memory of it.

1 comment:

Lisa Page Rosenberg said...

Better than J Crew. (Prettier models.)