Wednesday, February 10, 2010


They had made a pact: neither of them would let go.

They had seen how it worked in the cartoons and movies, but could they really be sure it would work in real life?

Gracie: "I promise I won't let go if you won't."
Bean: "Ok. I promise if you promise."
Gracie: "Let's pinky swear."
Bean: "Yes, let's."

And together they took hold of the bunch, untethered it, and immediately felt the pull of lift-off.

Gravity conquered.

Shocked at their success, Gracie experienced a moment of panic.
She released her grip and dropped to the ground.

And watched Bean sail off into the blue...

Leaving her pink rain boots behind.


Debbie said...

Clever. Love it. (And A. and I just had a great lesson on reading comprehension and inferring thanks to you.)

ELK said...

oh so nice . fun moments

Lisa Page Rosenberg said...

Love this.