Saturday, February 27, 2010


My kids often ask me what it will be like in heaven: will we have our own bodies, what age will we be, will we have our XBox, tv, blankies, you know, the important stuff.  I always answer with the, "I do not know" line because I simply do. not. know. But it is fun to talk about what might possibly be: no fighting with your brother/sister, perfect bodies, free passes to Disneyland, no more loss, disease, pain, tears, discontent...

Before I deleted this blurred, mishap photo of my daughter running towards me I paused. I wound up staring at it for some time because it twanged some deep emotional string inside of me. It looked other-worldly, angelic, eerie. (Is it just me?) Anyway, it sent me into this moment of deep reflection of spiritual matters (too heavy to outline here). In a nut shell, it caused me to ponder on what I was really made of: not bones, water, blood...but something more. You know, eternal and purposeful. Then it reminded me of the truth that in the final moment of my life I will not care about how much money I did (more like did not) make, or where I lived, what I owned, how organized I was, or if I was cute and hip and trendy enough. And if it will not matter in the end, then how much should it matter now? How I long to get busy living for the more, rather than painfully discovering too late that I forfeited the opportunity.  Make sense?

Anyhoo, deep Saturday morning thoughts. Now on to help the hubby clean the garage, organize and toss. (Which actually could create more deep Saturday thoughts, but probably not appropriate to share here if I'd like to save my marriage.)

p.s. When Scott saw this picture he was tripping out. He thought that her shadow looked like a wolf.   Totally. Way too deep though for my Saturday.


Umā said...

Makes sense all right, that's what I've been reflecting on and reading about all winter!

A poet-saint of Maharashtra wrote:
O man, you have roamed so much in the outer world.
You have gone from one place to another,
You have picked flowers and fruit
and pursued countless activities,
But all you have earned is weariness.
Now it is time to soar in the boundless inner spaces.
What you are seeking can be found there in its fullness.

I love this photo, btw, how she seems to be floating above the ground and surrounded by light. Amazing!

Anonymous said...

It totally looks like a wolf howling!

jodie said...

i looooove this photo...thank goodness it was saved from the delete button!

noellemonique said...

Isn't it funny how what deep thoughts a simple photo can evoke?! Happens to me all the time too!

ELK said...

a joyful photo tracey . saved thank goodness!