Friday, February 12, 2010

Remind me...

If you happen to run into me tomorrow and you ask me where I'm going, and I say, 

I'm going shopping for a car! 

...then please feel free to rope me to a tree, chain me to a fence, etc. and guard me there until bedtime. 

Please feel free, also, to remind me of how tonight's car shopping experience was really not that painful until everyone started talking numbers and financing, at which point my hubby and I looked at each other and hung our heads in discouragement, grabbed our kid's hands, stuffed them in the car and headed home in silence. Remind me that there were more peaceful, soulful things I could have remained doing before we left for the car dealership, such as:  crouching with my daughter in the beautifully lit "green room" her brother made in the grass forest across the street...or discovering that the grass was loaded with newly birthed lady bugs all traveling up and down the blades in search of aphid....or basking in the beautiful light of the setting winter sun.

Yes, please remind me that I loathe, (no, seriously, hear me say in the most whiney possible voice) looooooaaaaattttthhhhhee buying a car. It is one of the few times I just wish we had more money than we do. Not because I want some fancy car that is worth major bucks, but because I just do not want to give my time away to searching for a car. I want to just walk onto a car lot, pop onto craigslist, see a car that I like (new or used), and buy it without looking at the asking price.

Are you feelin' my pain?

Really, I just want to curl up in Bean's green room, watch the light on her face, and count lady bugs.


ELK said...

oh this is hard...hang in there and think of this face ..look at those lovely photos,,,sweet face!

Melonie said...

Oh I feel for you. We will be car shopping this year at some point and I am dreading it. Hope you have a wonderful know aside from the car shopping:)