Saturday, February 6, 2010

There is hope

February is my least favorite month of the year. The only bright spot being my mother's birthday right at the very end. Every year I find myself depressed by the lack of color, the constant rain, having to keep my windows shut. I always forget this until I am actually entering February and then I wonder why I am so blah. Grey.

I think about my friend in South Africa and how right now she is living through the heat of summer. How on her end of the globe her kids are barefoot, eating summer fruit and vegetables, and enjoying sunny days, probably wishing that she could just have one cool day of my winter. :)

I forget that underneath all the greyness here the seeds of life are readying themselves and that life is preparing for its grand spring entrance. It is just a matter of time. A new chapter.

As I write this I smile at the realization that this is not only true for nature's world but for my own personal world as well. I envy those that seem to be enjoying the gift of a good, happy, warm season in their life, wishing I could stand in their shoes for moment. I am reminded that deep under the winter soil of my life, the seeds of life are spinning in their cocoons, waiting for the right time to burst into newness. Shed their skin and become what they were created to be.

It is just a matter of time. 

(After writing this I looked out my window to see a rainbow over the eastern hills.)


red or gray art said...

such honest words..enlightened image ..a rainbow how fitting

noellemonique said...

Love the texture on this photo!
Thanks for the lighting tip, btw! I'm a strong advocate for natural light at all
As for my editing, I've just been trying to keep my portraits as simple as possible lately. I usually use Sheye Rosemeyer's eyecandy actions, and just tweak them to my liking. And then just simple curve adjustments and such!

Dorothy said...

What a great blog entry!

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are right! Mango for breakfast this morning - and the kids are allowed to take their shoes off at school when it is hot (like in every day :) Would love some of that coolness you are writing about...