Monday, April 12, 2010


Greetings blogger friends. Has Monday got you down? 
Need a pick-me-up? Ready for a little somethin' to beat your blues?
You've come to the right blog today my friends. I am here to help.

Over the weekend as I did some editing, I collected a little ensemble of faces that I thought you might like to "try on". It's a simple little exercise that might move you out of your comfort zone  and get you to have some fun, maybe learn a little something. And I hope you will find, like I did (yes I've done this already--give me some slack it was raining today), that sometimes you just gotta make up your mind to act, move, get going, do, choose, and the emotions will follow.
So are you ready?

Ok, so all I want you to do is try on, or do your best impersonation, of the following faces. And no halfhearted attempts. Give it your all.

First face: the Hardy Har Har face. (And let's hear a good hardy har har with it!)

And the Cheerleader face! All right....let's go! Let's see you put your whole body into it.
(Gals, you know you've done this one before in front of the mirror.)

You don't need any coaching for this next one...
(And then you get to cover your face in embarrassment, how convenient.)

How about striking a pose? Go ahead, give a little "vogue".
(If you were not a Material Girl of the 80's and you have no idea what this means,
then you might need to google it.)

Need a little break? Do some face scrunches to loosen up.
Breathe in...exhale...breathe in.

Now give me your best "HEY!" (Or your best squinty "CHEESE" if you gotta it.)

And then a little dainty "ahem...excusez-moi"
(Don't forget the hand gesture, it's what makes the move.)

And finally, to recover most of your dignity, give me your best smile.

See, that wasn't so bad, was it? Did you feel a slight shift in your mood? Did you notice that you forgot that it was Monday and that you had to be blue (just because it was Monday).

Sometimes you just need to try on a new face. It is not about pretending folks, it's just remembering that sometimes you need to remind yourself that you get to define what kind of day you have. 

Your heart has a way of following your mind.

So be mindful today of where you allow your thoughts to go and your heart will learn to play in tune.

And if you need to come back to this little exercise, by all means, come back.

Training your mind (and heart to follow) takes practice.

Have a fantabulous Monday!


1 comment:

stacey said...

I especially love the cheerleader face. Thanks for making me smile!