Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I can't even stand it!

Excuse me please while I totally gush...
This face is just the most adorable face I have ever seen (not including my kids and the other really cute babies out there). She was little Miss Happy and little Miss Wiggly and totally into the ceiling fan and her diaper.

She also has the cutest little bum that I did take some modest pictures of so mama could remember just how cute it was. Her crawling skills have not quite developed but she is practicing the "get up on all fours from the belly position" which, if you have had any baby experience, you know this is the runner up move to the crawl. (Bean would do this in her sleep at night. I would check in on her before I went to bed and she would be up on all fours rocking back and forth, pacifier in her mouth, totally asleep.) 

I spent an hour with this little miss and her mama and so I have many more photos to share, which I will once I go through them, but for now I would like to gush about my second most favorite part of the day...

Lord have mercy. I can't even stand it. Sweet Pea's mama is an amazing baker and has begun a little side business that, with my constant gushing, will soon be bigger than Martha Stewart. Seriously folks, there are not enough words in my vocabulary to describe how incredible these were. She had these waiting for me when I showed up this morning and I could not believe that she had made my most favorite cupcakes in the entire universe: black bottom cupcakes. Super moist, rich (yet not overly sweet) chocolate cupcakes filled with a chocolate chip/cream cheese center, topped with chocolate ganache. I ate one on the way home in the car (almost caused an accident swerving off the road in a b.b.c. induced high). I ate one after dinner. And just now walked into the kitchen to ask my hubby if he was going to eat his, to which he asked, "Do you want to split it?"

I love that man.

I loved these cupcakes so much I had to photograph them. My friend had packed them in a cute brown Baby Gap box.  And little did she know,  the cup cakes matched perfectly with the box interior. It was all meant to be! 

I have now gushed all over my friend's facebook page like a total stalker. I begged her to strike a deal with me: I will be her personal food stylist and cupcake photographer if she will simply give me a life time supply of these cupcakes. I am so distraught that I cannot simply run to Trader Joes and buy some more. Is it too much to drive the 45 minute trek up to her house every day? Will she think me crazy to be standing out side in my bathrobe and slippers and 6am, knocking on her bedroom window asking for more? 

Topped with chocolate ganache...killin' me...


Anonymous said...

I Started reading your blog recently and I love your Photo's!! I am just starting out with my camera and your photos totally inspire me. Also, that little baby is simple y perfect.

Jenny said...

I am so jealous! I was just over that this lovely ladie's house and I defintely did not get cupcakes. I'm calling her to complain. And love the pic of A.

Stacie said...

Trace - you are too kind! And oh, so talented! I always love time spent with you. I had to explain to Brad about what I meant when I said you are so "centered". Not a zen thing, but a peace thing! You have a way about you that shows a confident, interested, interesting person not rushing to be anything she isn't but so full of wisdom that you gladly share to those of us that are asking! And I am asking. I am glad for you and Mo in my life. Glad that so many years ago we started out in a way that makes me feel like somehow you are my just slightly older sister & brother and dear friends. Thanks! I really mean it, Thanks!

Tami said...

When it comes to an amazing dessert, a 45 minute daily drive is completely warranted. I only wish I could sample 1 (okay 5) myself. Anything with chocolate AND cream cheese is worth consuming!

stacey said...

Does she ship to Minnesota? And I might just have to take a bite out of her daughter, too. So cute I could eat her right up!

Nicole Hoefer said...

Nice props for Stace and Stacey, I would take that deal and run!! Gorgeous pictures of your littlest angel too! Nice work once again Tracey...

ELK said...

babies and choco cupcakes in the SAME post!?!?...amazing