Thursday, May 20, 2010

Just documenting...

...the hair. 

She did her ponytails all by herself. This I discovered when picking her up after school yesterday. I didn't have the opportunity to see them before school because I was...uh..still asleep. So imagine me driving through the pick up line after school and seeing her walking towards me. My first thought was seriously: Did I do her hair this morning? Then I thought: Perhaps Daddy did? No...I don't think he can do ponytails. And then she plopped into the car and confirmed that indeed, she had done them all by herself. Wow. Ok, Bean has stepped up to the hair plate. I felt this odd sadness: my Bean can do her hair without me. I'm loosing her people. Loosing her to independence and hairdo dexterity and pretty soon it will be her not wanting me to read her a story at night, or not wanting to hold my hand, or asking for a bra or something like that. At least she let me take a quick picture of her (notice the hands on hips, the look of okay mom, let's get this over with). I mean, pretty soon she's going to be taking her own pictures and then what will I have left? Nothing, nothing at all.

Except for maybe this face...

This beautiful little face, attached to the messy ponytails, attached to the cute little body that holds her sweet sweet spirit and tender, compassionate heart.
I will have her.
Forever my Bean.


Lisa Page Rosenberg said...

Oh gorgeous girl.
So grown up and yet, not yet.
It's all flying, isn't it? Just flying by.

Tami said...

I feel your pain. My 6 year old stop letting me do her hair months ago. My 9 year old, on the other hand, has no interest in the ways of anything hair-ish. My favorite was when you questioned whether or not YOU had actually done Bean's hair that morning.